Our club meets every two weeks, generally on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. We meet in the Brown Trout, Aghadowey at 1pm for lunchtime meetings but we also have breakfast meetings and evening meetings, sometimes at other venues, so it is advisable to check the News & Events section of this website.

Ballymoney Rotary Club was chartered on 9th August 1965.

Over the years members of Ballymoney Rotary Club and Rotary Club of Mid Argyll (formerly Lochgilphead Rotary Club) have exchanged visits and shared fellowship. Our members have been made welcome in Rotary Clubs throughout the United kingdom, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and beyond and we have received visitors from throughout the world.

While the world hopes for peace, Rotary works to make it a reality. Ryan Moore of Ballyboyland, who was named as one of sixty Rotary World Peace Fellows in 2008 to study peace and conflict resolution recently undertook a three month work experience in the South Asian island of East Timor.

The program was created as part of Rotary's ongoing effort to promote greater tolerance and cooperation among people worldwide. East Timor is emerging as one of the world’s newest nations with the support of the international community after years under Portuguese and then Indonesian occupation and rule. With Rotary’s help, Ryan has been able to spend time with a human rights organization there as well as the United Nations mission specializing in security sector reform.

Ryan left for the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, one of six Rotary Centres for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution last February. After his spell in East Timor he returned to Brisbane to obtain a master’s – level degree in international relations, with a focus on the roots of conflict and successful solutions to global problems.

Photo: Ryan in Australia